For the exhibition ‘Peiling 91’ in the Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
A structure emerges, starting from measurements and compartmentalization, that unfolds logically within the space. The totality of the installation is identical to the actual space that the sculpture creates, in that it transforms the architectural space and subsumes it into the work itself. Doorenweerd selects his material partly for the simplicity with which it can be processed, for its plainness and austerity, but more importantly with a view to its visual impact and expressiveness. The viewer’s physical presence is needed to trigger the work’s aesthetic mechanism. Doorenweerd started out several years ago as a painter. The emphasis on guid-ing the viewer’s response and the unambiguous emphasis on chiaroscuro both derive from the art of painting. But painting has been expanded and stretched here, until it incorporates the viewer’s physical presence and the possibility of directly steering his or her experience of the work. (Hans Janssen)
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