Installation for the exhibition 'SPACE, Now and Then', curated bij Fundament Foundation, former AaBe factory, Tilburg (nl)
'It so happened that Doorenweerd was confronted, upon visiting the AaBe Fabrieken, with a situation that literally could have been created by Matta-Clark. On the first floor of the former washing rooms the artist found a large hole in a tiled wall, that offered a view on the former dyeing room, one of the latest additions to the AaBe complex, once of a majestic industrial splendour, with a socialistic decoration bij the Moergestel painter Jan Dijker painted on the wall. The decay in this room that occurred in a period of less than seven years is phenomenal. Doorenweerd decided to make this anonymous intervention, that in its essence had already been finished, even more perfect by cleaning the framed space and by giving a new shape to it, under a very strict control. Again, music plays a crucial role in this work. Doorenweerd makes his complete, very eclectic collection of music form part of the work. The music is played at random, while the largest possible contrasts are presented. The collection is so large that during the exhibition period the same music will never be heard twice and the spectator who wishes to experience this work more than once, will do so each time in a different way, meditating on mediaeval music, or shaken up by hardcore punk. Doorenweerd once again proves himself to be an ingenious manipulator of perception, leading the gaze forward into the former dyeing room and upwards to the blue of the sky.' (Chris Driessen, catalogue SPACE now and then)