Commissioned by the city of Bladel (nl)
The first thing that stands out when looking at the Kiosk in Bladel is that which is not visible. The podium– done in Doorenweerd’s typical natural wood with a weatherproof aluminium jacket on the outside – is engaging. A soft interior versus a hard protective exterior immediately lends interest to the space ‘within’. The paths behind and at the sides of the theatre are also important here, as is the opening in the middle. With such an entrance, the podium becomes inviting to use. When having taken the stage an important distance is created between the audience on the square and the actor on stage, even though only three slight steps separate them. At the same time, the relationship with the audience is intimate because the design of the podium and the rest of the open space share the same concentric qualities. Spectators and actors alike envision the rest of the circular space encompassing them. The totality becomes an invisible arena of shared public space. Doorenweerd translates what was undeniably a very practical/acoustic departure point for the project into a conceptual asset. The result is a podium that has been entirely programmed, with only the actors missing. (Huib Haye van der Werf)