
Commissioned by the city of Amsterdam for the Houthaven (woodharbor), Amsterdam (nl)
Made possible by Mondriaanfonds, BPD cultuurfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
Built by Piet Blaauw mastbuilders
‘Still more qualities of equanimity are revealed by the term tatramajjhattata, a long compound made of simple Pali words. Tatra, meaning “there,” sometimes refers to “all these things.” Majjha means “middle,” and tata means “to stand or to pose.” Put together, the word becomes “to stand in the middle of all this.” As a form of equanimity, this “being in the middle” refers to balance, to remaining centered in the middle of whatever is happening. This form of balance comes from some inner strength or stability. The strong presence of inner calm, well-being, confidence, vitality, or integrity can keep us upright, like ballast keeps a ship upright in strong winds’ (Tricycle, the Buddhist review)